1st November 2024

Search Swinford Parish Council

Swinford Parish Council Serving the people of Swinford

Swinford Parish Council

Swinford Parish Council has five Parish Councillors who are either elected or co-opted to the Parish Council.

The Parish Council currently has one casual vacancy.

Parish Council meetings are held monthly (excluding August and January) in the small room at the front of Swinford Village Hall.

Meetings usually take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. The attendance of members of the public is welcomed.

For further information relating to the Parish Council please contact the Parish Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance.

Standing Orders

The latest version of the Parish Council's Standing Orders were adopted at the Parish Council meeting held on 07.09.21. They are based on the 2018 NALC Model Standing Orders and were revised in September 2021 to remove the provisions introduced in the coronavirus legislation to permit virtual meetings.

Parish Councillors

The Code of Conduct for Swinford Parish Council was adopted at the Parish Council meeting held on 12.09.17. All of the Parish Councillor's for Swinford have signed a copy of the code, the signed copies are held by the Parish Clerk.

There are five Councillors on Swinford Parish Council, to find out who they are and how to contact them please follow the link below:

Other Local Elected Representatives

Contact details for the District Councillor, County Councillor and Member of Parliament representing Swinford:

Parish Clerk

Contact details for our Parish Clerk:

Last updated: Wed, 25 Jan 2023 10:36