4th December 2024

Search Swinford Parish Council

Swinford Parish Council Serving the people of Swinford

Planning Applications

Follow the link below to Harborough District Council's planning portal where you can access information on planning applications, building regulations and planning strategy for the district:

Planning Applications submitted in 2018 for Swinford

18/00591/VAC - Land South of The Berries, Stanford Road, Swinford
Variation of Condition 20 (approved plans) of 16/01285/FUL

18/00567/PCD - Land Rear of Starmore Farm, Stanford Road, Swinford
Discharge of Condition 11 (landscaping) of 16/01804/FUL

18/00500/FUL - Stanford View, Stanford Road, Swinford
Alterations to roof of dwelling, including increasing height of chimney

18/00437/TPO - Cemetery, Rugby Road, Swinford
Works to trees (fell) - (HDC TPO 181)

18/00414/PCD - Land South of The Berries, Stanford Road, Swinford
Discharge of Conditions 4 (Written Scheme of Investigation) and 18 (Ecological Management Plan) of 16/01285/FUL

18/00192/FUL - The Limes, Rugby Road, Swinford
The construction of a raised patio / deck with canopy over to pool room

18/00066/FUL - Cheslyn, Stanford Road, Swinford
Erection of a single storey rear and side extension to existing bungalow (revised scheme of 17/00882/FUL)

Planning Applications submitted in 2017 for Swinford

17/02175/LBC - The Limes, Rugby Road, Swinford
Alterations and refurbishment of existing outbuilding, pool room and associated works, including the conversion of office to garage and the replacement of staircase and the construction of a raised patio/deck with canopy over to pool room

17/02095/TCA - Fosse House, Lutterworth Road, Swinford
Works to trees (fell)

17/01678/TCA - Cobblestone Barn, 17 Simons Close, Swinford
Pruning of cedar tree

17/01381/FUL - Land South of Stanford Road, Swinford
Erection of detached dwelling

17/01296/TCA - Land to Rear of the Glebe, Simons Close, Swinford
Works to trees (fell)

17/01091/OUT - 1 Chapel Street, Swinford
Outline application for the demolition of existing outbuildings attached to Glenview; alterations to existing access and erection of five dwellings (access, layout and scale to be considered)

17/00882/FUL - Cheslyn, Stanford Road, Swinford
Erection of a single storey and two storey rear extension

17/00754/FUL - Oakleigh, Kilworth Road, Swinford
Erection of single storey rear extension

17/00345/TCA - Swinford C of E Primary School, School Lane, Swinford
Works to trees (fell)

17/00457/VAC - The Maples, 10 School Lane, Swinford
Variation of condition 2 (permitted plans) of 16/00614/FUL to remove obscure glazing from dormer window

17/00053/PDN - Agricultural Buildings Adjacent Swinford Covert, Stanford Road, Swinford
Prior approval for the proposed change of use of an agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (C3) (Qa only)

For further details on an application and to view all the associated documentation search Harborough District Council's Planning Portal using the application reference number.

For information relating to planning applications prior to 2017 please contact the Parish Clerk.

Last updated: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 13:51