Neighbourhood Plan Process
Step One - Designation of Neighbourhood Area
- The Qualifying Body (Parish Council) submits an application to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) to designate a neighbourhood area
- The LPA publicises and consults on the area application for a minimum of 6 weeks
- The LPA designates a neighbourhood area within the statutory timescales
Step Two - Preparation of Draft Neighbourhood Plan
The Qualifying Body develops proposals (advised or assisted by the LPA):
- gather baseline information and evidence
- engage and consult those living and working in the neighbourhood area and those with an interest in or affected by the proposals (e.g. service providers)
- talk to land owners and the development industry
- identify and assess options
- determine whether a plan is likely to have significant environmental effect
- start to prepare proposals documents e.g. basic conditions statement
Step Three - Pre-submission Publicity and Consultation
The Qualifying Body:
- publicises the draft plan and invites representations
- consults the consultation bodies as appropriate
- sends a copy of the draft plan to the LPA
- where European Obligations apply, complies with relevant publicity and consultation requirements
- considers consultation responses and amends plan if appropriate
- prepares consultation statement and other proposal documents
Step Four - Submission of a Neighbourhood Plan Proposal to the LPA
- Qualifying Body submits the plan proposal to the LPA
- LPA checks that submitted proposal complies with all relevant legislation
- If the LPA finds that the plan or order meets the legal requirements it:
- publicises the proposal for minimum 6 weeks and invites representations
- notifies consultation bodies referred to in the consultation statement
- appoints an Independent Examiner (with the agreement of the Qualifying Body)
Step Five - Independent Examination
- LPA sends plan proposal and representation to the Independent Examiner
- Independent Examiner undertakes examination
- Independent Examiner issues a report to the LPA and Qualifying Body
- LPA publishes report
- LPA considers report and reaches own view
- LPA takes the decision on whether to send the plan to referendum
Step Six - Referendum
- relevant council publishes information statement
- relevant council publishes notice of referendum
- polling takes place
- results declared
Step Seven - Making the Neighbourhood Plan (bringing it into force)
- subject to referendum results the LPA considers plan in relation to EU Obligations and Convention Rights
- If the plan is compatible with EU Obligations and does not breach Convention Rights – the LPA makes the plan