Financial Information
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-24
As the income and / or expenditure for Swinford Parish Council in 2023/24 exceeded £25,000, the Parish Council is required, to complete an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), setting out Accounting Statements and an Annual Governance Statement.. These statements and their supporting documentation are audited by the Council's Internal Auditor and sent to the External Auditor for a limited assurance review.
AGAR, Explanation of Variances, 2023-24 (PDF, 21 Kb)
Explanation of Variances 2023-24
AGAR, Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-24 (PDF, 5.3 Mb)
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-24
AGAR, Accounts and Financial Statement, 2023-24 (PDF, 2.3 Mb)
The following items are included in this document:
- Bank Reconciliation for year ended 31.03.24
- Receipts & Payments Summary for year ended 31.03.24
- Fixed Asset Register for year ended 31.03.24
- Itemised Expenditure Over £100 for year ended 31.03.24
AGAR, Local Authority Accounts, A Summary of Your Rights, 2023-24 (PDF, 16 Kb)
Local Authority Accounts: A Summary of Your Rights 2023-24
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-23
As the income and / or expenditure for Swinford Parish Council in 2022/23 exceeded £25,000, the Parish Council is required, to complete an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), setting out Accounting Statements and an Annual Governance Statement.. These statements and their supporting documentation are audited by the Council's Internal Auditor and sent to the External Auditor for a limited assurance review.
AGAR, Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022-23 (PDF, 11 Kb)
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022-23
AGAR, Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited AGAR, 2023-24 (PDF, 33 Kb)
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-24
AGAR, External Auditor Report and Certificate, 2022-23 (PDF, 399 Kb)
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2022-23
AGAR, Local Authority Accounts, A Summary of Your Rights, 2022-23 (PDF, 16 Kb)
Local Authority Accounts: A Summary of Your Rights 2022/23
AGAR, Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited AGAR, 2022-23 (PDF, 34 Kb)
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accounting Review - 2022/23
AGAR, Explanation of Variances, 2022-23 (PDF, 20 Kb)
Explanation of Variances 2022/23
AGAR, Annual Governance and Accountability Return, 2022/23 (PDF, 5.4 Mb)
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23
AGAR, Accounts and Financial Statement, 2022-23 (PDF, 2.2 Mb)
The following items are included in this document:
- Bank Reconciliation for year ended 31.03.23
- Receipts & Payments Summary for year ended 31.03.23
- Fixed Asset Register for year ended 31.03.23
- Itemised Expenditure Over £100 for year ended 31.03.23
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-2022
As the income and / or expenditure for Swinford Parish Council in 2021/22 exceeded £25,000, the Parish Council is required, to complete an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), setting out Accounting Statements and an Annual Governance Statement.. These statements and their supporting documentation are audited by the Council's Internal Auditor and sent to the External Auditor for a limited assurance review.
AGAR, Notice of Conclusion of Audit, 2021/22 (PDF, 380 Kb)
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021/22
AGAR, Final External Auditor Report and Certificate, 2021/22 (PDF, 142 Kb)
Final External Auditor Report and Certificate 2021/22
AGAR, Notice of the Audit and Right to Inspect the AGAR, 2021/22 (PDF, 407 Kb)
Notice of the Audit and Right to Inspect the AGAR - 2021/22
AGAR, External Auditor Report and Certificate, 2021/22 (PDF, 136 Kb)
External Auditor Report and Certificate - 2021/22
AGAR, Local Authority Accounts, A Summary of Your Rights, 2021/22 (PDF, 30 Kb)
Local Authority Accounts: A Summary of Your Rights
AGAR, Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited AGAR, 2021/22 (PDF, 21 Kb)
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accounting Review - 2021/22
AGAR, Explanation of Variances, 2021/22 (PDF, 21 Kb)
Explanation of Variances 2021/22
AGAR, Annual Governance and Accountability Return, 2021/22 (PDF, 5.2 Mb)
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22
AGAR, Accounts and Financial Statement 2021/22 (PDF, 2 Mb)
The following items are included in this document:
- Bank Reconciliation for year ended 31.03.22
- Receipts & Payments Summary for year ended 31.03.22
- Fixed Asset Register for year ended 31.03.22
- Itemised Expenditure Over £100 for year ended 31.03.22
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020-2021
Smaller authorities where the higher of gross annual income or gross annual expenditure does not exceed £25,000 and that meet the qualifying criteria as set out in the Certificate of Exemption are able to declare themselves exempt from sending the completed Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor for a limited assurance review provided the authority completes:
a) The Certificate of Exemption and returns a copy of it to the external auditor; and
b) The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Part 2)
AGAR, Notice of Public Rights and Publication of AGAR - Exempt Authority, 2020/21 (PDF, 632 Kb)
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability Return - Exempt Authority - 2020/21
AGAR, Local Authority Accounts, A Summary of Your Right, 2020/21 (PDF, 1.7 Mb)
Local Authority Accounts - A Summary of Your Rights
AGAR, Annual Governance and Accountability Return, 2020/21 (PDF, 5.8 Mb)
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21
AGAR, Explanation of Variances, 2020/21 (PDF, 425 Kb)
Explanation of Variances 2020/21
AGAR, Accounts and Financial Statement, 2020/21 (PDF, 2 Mb)
The following items are included in this document:
- Bank Reconciliation for year ended 31.03.21
- Receipts & Payments Summary for year ended 31.03.21
- Fixed Asset Register for year ended 31.03.21
- Itemised Expenditure Over £100 for year ended 31.03.21
Earlier Annual Returns
2019 - 2020
AGAR, Notice of Public Rights and Publication of AGAR - Exempt Authority, 2019/20 (PDF, 696 Kb)
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability Return - Exempt Authority - 2019/20
AGAR, Local Authority Accounts, A Summary of Your Rights. 2019/20 (PDF, 1.9 Mb)
Local Authority Accounts - A Summary of Your Rights 2019/20
AGAR, Annual Governance and Accountability Return, 2019/20 (PDF, 7.3 Mb)
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20
AGAR, Explanation of Variances, 2019/20 (PDF, 21 Kb)
Explanation of Variances 2019/20
AGAR, Accounts and Financial Statement, 2019/20 (PDF, 2.3 Mb)
The following items are included in this document:
- Bank Reconciliation for year ended 31.03.20
- Receipts & Payments Summary for year ended 31.03.20
- Fixed Asset Register for year ended 31.03.20
- Itemised Expenditure Over £100 for year ended 31.03.20
2018 - 2019
Finance, Notice of Public Rights & Publication of AGAR (Exempt Authority) 2018-2019 (PDF, 21 Kb)
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Exempt Authority) 2018-2019
Finance, Local Authority Accounts, A Summary of Your Rights 2018-2019 (PDF, 31 Kb)
Local Authority Accounts - A Summary of Your Rights 2018-2019
Finance, AGAR 2018-2019 Part 2 (PDF, 3.4 Mb)
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018-2019 Part 2
Finance, Explanation of Variances on the AGAR 2018-2019 (PDF, 21 Kb)
Explanation of variances on the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018-2019
Finance, Accounts and Financial Statement 2018-2019 (PDF, 1.8 Mb)
Accounts and Financial Statement 2018-2019
The following items are included in this document:
- Bank Reconciliation for year ended 31.03.19
- Receipts & Payments Summary for year ended 31.03.19
- Fixed Asset Register for year ended 31.03.19
- Itemised Expenditure Over £100 for year ended 31.03.19
2017 - 2018
Finance, Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2017-2018 (PDF, 391 Kb)
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2017-2018
Finance, Explanation of variances on the AGAR 2017-2018 (PDF, 442 Kb)
Explanation of variance on the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-2018
Finance, Section 3 External Auditor Report & Certificate 2017-2018 (PDF, 254 Kb)
Section 3 External Auditor Report & Certificate 2017-2018
Finance, Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited AGAR 2017-2018 (PDF, 2.3 Mb)
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-2018
Finance, Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-2018 (PDF, 5.1 Mb)
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-2018
Finance, Accounts and Financial Statement 2017-2018 (PDF, 1 Mb)
Accounts and Financial Statement 2017-2018
The following items are included in this document:
- Bank Reconciliation for year ended 31.03.18
- Receipts & Payments Summary for year ended 31.03.18
- Itemised Expenditure Over £100 for year ended 31.03.18
- Fixed Asset Register for year ended 31.03.18
2016 - 2017
Finance, Notice of Conclusion of Audit, 2017-09-19 (PDF, 803 Kb)
Annual Return for the year ended 31.03.17.
Finance, Annual Return 2016-2017 (PDF, 5 Mb)
Annual Return for the year ended 31.03.17.
Finance, Accounts & Financial Statements 2016-2017 (PDF, 2.4 Mb)
The following items are included in this document:
- Bank Reconciliation for year ended 31.03.17
- Receipts & Payments Summary for year ended 31.03.17
- Itemised Expenditure Over £100 for year ended 31.03.17
- Fixed Asset Register for year ended 31.03.17
2015 - 2016
Finance, Annual Return 2015-2016 (PDF, 5.9 Mb)
Annual Return for the year ended 31.03.16.
The Precept Requirement for 2019-2020 is £18,260.00.
The is £72.26 per Band D property. This is a 10.5% or £6.86 increase in Council Tax.
The Tax Base Figure based on the number of Band D equivalent properties for 2019-2020 is £252.70.
Financial Regulations
The latest version of the Financial Regulations were adopted by the Parish Council on 07.03.17. The Financial Regulations were reviewed on 21.05.19 and no changes were made.
Finance, Financial Regulations, 2017-03-07 (PDF, 179 Kb)
Financial Regulations adopted on 07.03.17
Risk Assessment Policy
Finance, Risk Assessment, 2017-03-31 (PDF, 16 Kb)
Risk Assessment Policy